What is Victoire? The word “victoire” (vic-twä´) is French for “victory.” Victoire brings victory to within the grasp of all Mac gamers. It is a Control Panel Extension which enables Macintosh gamers to “cheat” at their favorite games through the installation and use of Game Enhancement Modules (GEMs). Installing Victoire If you are not running System 7 then you have already installed Victoire! If you are running System 7 and have not yet done so, install Victoire by simply dragging its icon onto the System Folder of your startup disk. Then, confirm that you wish for it to be placed into the Control Panel’s folder. Under either system configuration, it is necessary to reboot with Victoire installed in order for Victoire to load at startup. Installing GEMs To install a GEM (Game Enhancement Module) into Victoire, click on the “Install…” button in the Control Panel. Then, select a GEM from any disk and click “Open”. That GEM will then be listed and available in Victoire. Reassigning the hotkey for a cheat To reassign the key combinaton used to invoke a cheat, click on the name of a GEM in the Control Panel with the cheat you wish to modify. Then, click on the cheat itself listed below. Finally, press the new hotkey for assignment to that cheat. Using cheats To use a cheat installed into Victoire, simply press the cheat’s hotkey during the play of the game. Victoire options In the control panel, Victoire may be turned on or off by clicking the appropiate button. Checking the “Icon at Startup” button displays the Victoire icon at startup to confirm its successful installation. Troubleshooting Victoire If Victoire fails to work for an installed GEM, first confirm that Victoire is properly installed and turned on in its control panel. Then make sure that the problem game is fully and properly named. (For example, rename “AA” to “Armor Alley”) Finally, confirm that Victoire is loading properly by watching its icon at startup. If the icon shows a skull and crossbones over it, then delete the Victoire! Prefs file in your Preferences folder and reinstall all of your GEMs. If Victoire continues to not work, contact Samat Software for assistance. Samat Software 9600 East 150 Highway Kansas City, MO 64149 GEnie: S.CAUGHRON CIS: 76354,3302 AOL: MRCAUGHRON